This information sets out the user terms and conditions for our website at, the “website” and includes revisions, including a “Financial disclaimer policy” which you should read.

Personal information

Personal information means any information relating to a living individual who can be identified from that data (or from that data and other information in our possession). Your personal information will not be disclosed outside the group of financial institutes (website partners and third-party advertisers) we work with, except in circumstances advised to you at the time you apply for a product or service provided.

When you create an account on our website, you maybe asked for personal information that is needed to process your online account with us. Any personal information that you provide will only be used for the purposes described at the time of your application and where applicable in the terms and conditions that apply to the relevant third-party product or service.

We may use your personal information (including your full name, IP and email address) to process promotional newsletters, offers and to provide general customer service. We may also collect user personal information for marketing purposes and to conduct research and analysis.

It is sometimes necessary for us to disclose user personal information for the same purposes to companies that work with us or advertise with us. For example, we may provide certain collected personal information to companies, including our website partners and third-party advertisers that perform business operations or services, including marketing services, on our behalf. We may provide certain personal information to others as permitted by law, such as to government entities or other third parties in response to fraud prevention or money laundering.

If we transfer your personal information to a service provider or agent in another country, we will make sure that the service provider or agent agrees to apply the same levels of protection as we are required to apply to personal information held in the European Union (EU) and to use your personal information only for the purpose of providing the service to us.

Accounts and online visibility

User accounts are not indexed by search engines by default settings on our platform. This means that all user details remain completely anonymous, as user details can only be viewed via successful scanning of your personalised QR code.

Also, all unique user ID pages are compiled by 15 random digits, so the chances of someone locating an ID of a specific user on our platform is at least a trillion to 1 (a trillion is a 1,000 x a billion) and could take as long as 64,000 years to complete if searching every possible ID combination.

QR code reliability

QR codes themselves cannot be hacked because any security risks associated with QR codes derive from the destination of QR codes, rather than the codes themselves. With this in mind, it’s very important to keep your user account login details private (including your account email and password that is associated with your user account) as to avoid any third-party gaining access to your user account.

QR codes are very reliable, once your unique QR code is generated and then printed it will not degenerate or lose the data it holds (which links your unique ID page to the QR code). It is only if the QR code image becomes damaged that data can be lost. However, even if part of a QR code was to become unreadable, our QR codes have a high error correction level built in, which helps ensure a probability of the QR code still being readable even after being damaged.

Note: We take no responsibility for issues arising from damaged or unreadable QR codes, meaning, you should always check that your QR code successfully connects to your frontend profile ID before using our service and take care that your QR code remains undamaged after travelling (usage).

QRtrav business model

We provide a free of charge online platform which allows luggage and other personal items to be traced back to the owner via QR code scan. Users can easily create their own, unique profile ID page, which works in conjunction with your own, automatically generated, personalised QR code.

When your personalised QR code is remotely scanned by a device that can read the QR code (example: a smartphone) it automatically connects to your unique ID page. Your QR code is always connected to your unique profile ID page and can be tested by scanning it when logged out of your account.

By printing and adding your personalised QR code to a physical item (or items) that you own, this gives you a secure and unique way for your personal belongings (that have your QR code attached) to be identified back to you (via a third-party scan).

How we make money

We don’t charge any fee to use the main features of our online platform, however we do offer a low cost option where users can buy and download a digital premium label, which also displays their profile ID number underneath their QR code. This is useful when the profile ID number of lost luggage is scanned/traced, as matching the unique ID number on the physical luggage to the online profile ID makes it a certainty that the owner of the luggage shown is indisputable.

We also work in conjunction with third party businesses to show relevant products and services using targeted advertising.

In short: You do not have to pay for your use of most of the features on our platform but, in exchange, we allow some individuals and businesses to advertise on the platform and we receive payment for this.

Your privacy

Information on how we use data that we collect about you can be found in our privacy and cookies policy. These do not form part of these terms and conditions but are important documents which we strongly recommend that you read.

Limitation of liability

Your use of our website is entirely at your own risk. If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of our services then you should refrain from using our services and delete your account profile. We provide a service without any warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, constructive, or statutory, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability, non-infringement or fitness for a particular purpose. We make no guarantee of availability of services and we reserve the right to change, withdraw, suspend, or discontinue any functionality or feature of our website.

General disclaimer

We promise to provide the platform to you with reasonable skill and care and to act with professional diligence for so long as we choose to offer the platform. We will also take all reasonable steps to keep the platform a safe and secure environment for our users. We do not promise to offer the platform forever or in its current form for any particular period of time.

Financial disclaimer policy

Whilst all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of our website services, no responsibility can be taken for any omission or error. We do not guarantee that our website is fault free and we do not accept liability for any errors or omissions to our website data that is displayed.

In no event shall we be liable for any damages whatsoever, including direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages arising out of the use of or inability to use our services or any content thereon, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Revisions to our website terms, conditions and financial disclaimer policy

We may revise our website terms, conditions and our financial disclaimer policy which relate to our website on a regular basis. By using or browsing our website, you agree to periodically review our website terms, conditions and financial disclaimer policy, and to be aware of any such revisions made. Should any revision be unacceptable to you, you agree to stop using our website. Your continued use of our website following such notification of any such revision (or revisions) shall be deemed as acceptance of and agreement to abide by all such revisions.

Whilst all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of our website services, no responsibility can be taken for any omission or error. We do not guarantee that our website is fault free and we do not accept liability for any errors or omissions to our website data that is displayed.